Here are the most effective ways to earn coins in Riviera. Some methods can be done solo, while others become more profitable through player interaction and trading.

Being Online

You automatically earn 10 iron coins and 1 karma per minute while online. If you play multiple characters simultaneously, only one character receives these rewards.

Bounty Hunting

Defeating creatures grants bounty rewards. Stronger enemies yield higher payouts. Group hunting increases total rewards by 10% per additional member before splitting equally.

Bounty payouts for a slain spider

Burning Corpses

Burn creature remains using steel and flint to earn 50 iron coins per corpse.

Smoking Out Monster Dens

Clear monster dens with steel and flint for significant rewards - typically around 1 silver coin each.

Foraging for Coins

Forage the ground to discover rare coins ranging from 1 copper to 1 silver.

Auction House Sales

Sell gathered/crafted items through auction houses in Rivia and Olivia (see detailed guide below).

Event Participation

Join server events like unique hunts or invasions for direct coin rewards or rare sellable items.

Server Voting

Daily voting provides coins, sleep bonuses, and consecutive vote buffs.

Karma Trading

Fill source orbs (purchased from general merchants) with your karma to sell. Market rate: 10-20 iron coins per karma (1,000 karma = 1-2 silver).

Horse Breeding

Breed regular horses, unicorns, or hell horses. Use stable masters to create animal tokens showing stats for merchant sales.

Affinity Food

Sell skill-boosting meals/drinks through merchants or direct delivery. Generate recipes using the Food Generator.

Bulk Material Sales

Advertise large quantities (e.g., terraforming dirt) in trade chat before auction house listing.

Terraforming Services

Offer land-shaping assistance to players undertaking large projects.

Where Is the Auction House?

The auction house is located at the northeast docks in Rivia:

Exterior view of Rivia's auction house

Interact with the market stall (trade station) inside the building:

Auction house interior Trade station interface

How Do I Browse Items?

Select your desired category using the top navigation buttons:

  • Resources: Raw materials (dirt, rock shards, logs)
  • Farming: Harvested goods and animal products
  • Products: Crafted items (planks, nails, bricks)
Auction house category selection

How Do I Sell Items?

1. Click View Orders on your chosen item:

Item order selection interface

You'll see two order types:

  • Buy Orders: Sell items directly for coins
  • Sell Orders: Purchase items for pickup at any trade station

Example: Selling 20 Dirt (64QL)

Dirt inventory example

2. Choose a Buy Order matching your item's quality (minimum 50QL in this case):

Buy order selection

3. Configure your sale in the transaction window:

Auction house selling interface
  • Item: The item being sold (dirt in this example)
  • Wanted in Order: Remaining quantity needed
  • Min QL: Minimum quality accepted (50.00-59.99 QL range)
  • Unit Price: Payment per individual item
  • Owned Items: Shows matching items in your inventory
  • Sell Higher QL: Check to include higher quality items

4. Finalize your sale with Confirm Sale:

Sale confirmation screen

How Do I Sell From Vehicles?

1. Right-click your vehicle and select Set as active inventory:

Vehicle inventory setup

2. Return to personal inventory using Unlink Inventory at any trade station:

Inventory unlinking interface