These are commands you can type in any chat.

Command Examples Description
/help /help Shows vanilla commands in a Help chat-tab.
/location /location Prints your coordinates and height in Event chat.
/killtrack /killtrack Shows you how many and which creatures you have killed since the last server restart or since you reset the killtrack
/killtrack reset /killtrack reset Resets the killtracker
/rolldice (number) (item name) /rolldice 6
/rolldice 20 adventure loot
Rolls a dice in Event chat up to the chosen number. Optionally can specify any text that should be subject of the roll
/seasons /seasons Shows all season timings in Event chat
/claim /claim Claims your outstanding voting rewards
/tier /tier Shows your current stats and tier on the voting system
/chirp Shows the time remaining until the next farmtick happens
/findmystuff /findmystuff Shows all owned corpses, carts and boats and their location
/findmyhorses Shows all of your cared for horses and their location