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Main / Skills / Masonry / Oven

Total materials
  • Oven
Skill and improvement


An oven made from stone bricks and clay intended for cooking and baking.

A stone oven is a fire container best suited for cooking and baking, but can also be used to heat up ore (NB: the QL of the lump will be lower than the ore QL), make pottery and so on, like campfire and forge.


  • Activate the stone brick, right-click the clay, and select Create > Containers > Oven.
  • The stone brick and clay used to start the oven are damaged if the attempt fails.


The quality of the oven will affect the duration of the fuel: the higher the quality, the longer fuel lasts. The higher the quality of the oven, the faster items heat up, too.


Ovens with rare properties heat up contained items more quickly than their regular counterparts, stay lit longer, and cook food items faster.


  • Oven adds less difficulty to meals than forge, so it is better suited for cooking at low skills.
  • Loading requires a wagon, or potentially a large cart with a very high expand cast, and a volume rune. Large carts are otherwise unable to hold an oven.
  • The oven takes approximately the space of 3 large crates when loaded.
  • To light the forge activate a steel and flint with a kindling in your inventory.
  • To fuel the forge activate any wooden item, right click the oven and select Burn. Alternatively the fuel can be placed inside the oven, letting the fire damage do the rest.
  • Ovens will naturally produce ash at the quality of the oven, up to a maximum of 6.4kg of ash in a single unit.
  • Items can be placed onto it, if there is enough room, and will be heated if the oven is hot. Wooden or otherwise flammable items placed on the oven will be burned.
  • Ovens can be examined to see the amount of burn time remaining in minutes and seconds.