Treasure map

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Treasure maps are a mod on Riviera that gives you the chance to get hold of some potentially very cool loot... after you have killed the treasure guardians!

How to obtain maps

The following ways have been confirmed. When finding a map, it will be accompanied by a "moment of inspiration" and an additional yellow message in the Events window.

  • Killing a creature: "You smell old parchment and salt water." / "You find it odd how _____ seemed to hide something precious before it succumbs to death."
  • Mining: "You find a treasuremap!"
  • Digging: "You find a treasuremap!"
  • Cutting down a tree: "You find a treasuremap!"
  • Killing uniques: "You notice that ____ is grasping on to something." / "______ seems to have been searching for something in the area, you find a treasuremap on the corpse!" - and it will be auto-rolled with a message "Since your group has to deceide[sic] who gets the treasuremap, ____ is the lucky one to receive it!"

Hunting for treasure

To find the location the map leads to, you will need to activate a compass, right click the map, and choose "Read Map" from the menu. You will get a message with a vague distance and direction: eg. "the marked spot is 2000+ tiles away from you to the left".

When you read a map, it takes a very small amount of damage.

When you have managed to find your way to the spot, by repeatedly reading the map, and get the message "You are practically standing on the marked spot!", you will need to activate a shovel, right click the map and "Dig for treasure". "You start to dig for treasure." "You find a treasure chest!" "You are ambushed!" A variety of mobs will spawn on top of you that you will need to kill in order to open the treasure chest. They are named on the convention "[creature] ambushing [your name]", so a wild cat that arrives for Bob would be "wild cat ambushing bob".

You will probably want to be leading a horse when you dig for treasure that you can immediately mount and run away to split the mobs up, unless you vastly outskill the QL of the map...

Once you kill everything the map spawned, you will see "The treasure's guardians have been defeated and the protection is reduced." You can then open the chest.

Map difficulty

"Can I kill that?"

There are a few things that influence how difficult your map will be:

  • Quality
  • Rarity
  • Luck


As a general rule, if you want to solo a map, the first thing you should look at is the QL. If it is less than your main Fighting skill, you may be ok. If it is above your Fighting skill, you may struggle.


This has influence on what loot you will receive, as well as how difficult the mobs will be, and a very big influence on the next thing...


Maps have "tiers" that are randomly selected. They can spawn mobs that are a mix of different "tiers": eg. you could get 4 x T1 things and 2 x T2 things from the same map. The higher the rarity of the map, the more likely you will get a higher tier of mobs.

  • If you get all T1, as long as the map is below your fight skill and you are sensible, you will probably take things down solo.
  • If you get all T2, you may be ok if your fight skill is a fair bit higher than the map QL, or you might want to call on 1-2 friends.
  • If you get any T3, especially on higher QL/rarity maps, you're going to want to call for help. Some treasure guardians require 5-10+ people to get down, depending on gear and skill level.

Note from a CA: When enlisting help with your maps, try to be fair on loot. They are giving up their time to help you get things you could not get on your own. Consider how you would feel in their position.

Map loot

"What cool stuff am I gonna find?"

The QL of all map loot will match the QL of the map. Rarity of map does not affect all loot items.

The loot table for treasure chests seems to be very long and varied. It always seems to include coins though. Reports of other items include:

  • Sleep powder
  • Lumps of metals, including moon metals
  • Barrels containing source
  • Seasonal items like the Yule Goat
  • Dragon hide/scale
  • Magic mirrors
  • Gems/star gems
  • Returner tool chests, always containing high QL tin tools...
  • Rare armour or other items (puppets, cloth shirts, leather barding...)